ASP에서 SQL 인젝션(Injection) 방어하기
' Array, Replace를 이용한 방법
Function SQLInject(strWords)
Dim BadChars, newChars
BadChars = Array ("--", ";", "/*", "*/", "@@", "@",_
"char", "nchar", "varchar", "nvarchar",_
"alter", "begin", "cast", "create", "cursor",_
"declare", "delete", "drop", "end", "exec",_
"execute", "fetch", "insert", "kill", "open",_
"select", "sys", "sysobjects", "syscolumns",_
"table", "update", "xp_")
newChars = strWords
For i = 0 To UBound(BadChars)
newChars = Replace(newChars, BadChars(i), "")
newChars = Replace(newChars, "'", "''")
newChars = Replace(newChars, " ", "")
newChars = Replace(newChars, "|", "''")
newChars = Replace(newChars, "\""", "|")
newChars = Replace(newChars, "|", "''")
SQLInject = newChars
End Function
' 정규식 객체를 이용한 방법
Function SQLInJect2(strWords)
Dim BadChars, newChars, tmpChars, regEx, i
BadChars = Array( _
"select(.*)(from|with|by){1}", _
"insert(.*)(into|values){1}", _
"update(.*)set", _
"delete(.*)(frm|with){1}", _
"drop(.*)(from|aggre|role|assem|key|cert|cont|credential|data|endpoint|event|fulltext|function|index|login|type|schema|procedure|que|remote|role|route|sign|stat|syno|table|trigger|user|view|xml){1}", _
"alert(.*)(application|assem|key|author|cert|credential|data|endpoint|fulltext|function|index|login|type|schema|procedure|que|remote|role|route|serv|table|user|view|xml){1}", _
"xp_", "sp_", "restore\s", "grant\s", "revoke\s", "dbcc", "dump", "use\s", "set\s", "truncate\s", "backup\s", "load\s", "save\s", "shutdown", _
"cast(.*)\(", "convert(.*)\(", "execute\s", "updatetext", "writetext", "reconfigure", _
"/\*", "\*/", ";", "\-\-", "\[", "\]", "char(.*)\(", "nchar(.*)\(" )
newChars = strWords
For i = 0 To UBound(BadChars)
Set regEx = New RegExp ' 정규식 객체의 인스턴스 생성
regEx.Pattern = BadChars(i)
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
newChars = regEx.Replace(newChars,"")
Set regEx = Nothing
newChars = Replace(newChARS, "'", "''")
SQLInject2 = newChars
End Function
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